Wonderful lake
   Photo: Wonderful lake

Title Miracle Lake translates wonderful lake, which, as well as the valley in which it is located - is one of the new wonders of nature, located in Dominica. Local people call the Holy Lake, as it emerged only recently - in 1997 and was created on Sunday 7 days.

At this point, it was a plateau, but during heavy rains collapsed as a result of which formed a reservoir 3, which blocked the inflow of the river Layo. Two of them then broke, and the upper basin formed a new magnificent lake. It is big enough and far exceeds the surface of the lake Beuren and freshwater lakes, deep it reaches 140 pounds.

It can be seen only from above - scientists consider dangerous for him to go down, because scholars who have seen it, do not believe in the stability of the area. But standing on the top of a mountain with a height of stunning views on a wonderful lake with emerald water.

And valleys and lakes are privately owned Christborn Shillingford, and that his master gave the name to the lake, this place is officially the name of Mathieu Dam. Earlier, on the site of the lake located plantation owner. You can try to negotiate with the owner that he has given you consent to the visit to the lake, and made a tour of these places, because without his permission to go down to the lake impossible.

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