   Photo: Trigrad

Trigrad Gorge - a 7-kilometer-long canyon, which arose under the influence of river erosion Trigradska within a few million years in the marble rocks of the Rhodope Mountains, just north of the village Trigrad. Gorge protected area declared by the order of December 1963.

The distance between the rocks sometimes reaches 300 meters .  Although the middle portion having a length of 2-3 km, the width of the gorge - less than 100 m .  In the west, the height of the cliffs up to 180 m, and in the east up to 300-350 m .  Because of the really large this natural phenomenon is in third place in Bulgaria from all canyons .  Along the river is a narrow, which is typical for this area, the road to Trigrad, sometimes carved into the rocks .  The movement is carried out in both directions, so motorists need to respect each other and be patient: it is often necessary to wait for the emergence of a counter machine at one of the corners .  The road, winding along the river and the cliffs that hang on both sides, creating an amazing impression that this area is unavailable and removed from the world .  In addition, the rock formations resemble ancient walls, which are the guardians of the secrets of many mountain .  The picturesque local scenery and slightly leaking sunlight have an amazing impact, which also is complemented by the beauty of the nature of the Rhodopes .

Trigrad River suddenly "disappears" at the entrance to the cave called the Devil's Throat and reappears later in another cave. The cave "Devil's Throat" is open to visitors and is considered one of the most impressive caves comfortable. There is a huge waterfall, a height of 42 m, it is formed by the waters of the river. In addition, in this area there are many small caves. For example, Haramiyska Cave - an interesting place, accessible for tourists. It is located among the rocks in front of the cave "Devil's Throat". It found fragments of Neolithic dwellings. To visit the cave you need special equipment, and without a guide it is impossible. Nearby is the beautiful Yagodina cave.

The tourists, following the road through the canyon, are in the village of Trigrad. The locals are incredibly hospitable and can offer accommodation, as well as the opportunity to engage in various types of tourism.

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