Neighborhood Stampace
   Photo: Neighborhood Stampace

Stampace - one of the oldest districts of Cagliari, which until recently housed numerous handicraft shops (carpentry, shoemaking, blacksmithing), and in which even today cherish the traditions of their ancestors. It's an easy quarter, devoid of monumental buildings and disproportionate urban structures, but who is able to boast an abundance of old churches. For example, the church of San Michele, once part of a large religious complex was built in the mid-17th century Spanish Baroque style for the Jesuits.

Church of Santa Ana was built in the late 18th century. During the Second World War it was seriously damaged, but was later restored. The church is made in the Baroque style, and the two sides framed by towers. It is decorated with columns and pilasters, and three domes of various shapes and sizes crowning the building. Inside is kept a wooden crucifix of the 14th century and an altar made of colored marble. The right wing of the transept noteworthy neoclassical altar in black marble - the work of Andrea Galassi (early 19th century). There you can see the marble statue of the Virgin Mary with Child. In addition, the church contains a wooden sculpture depicting the saints Joachim and Anna with daughter Maria and Giovanni Marghinotti picture with the image of Christ the Redeemer.

The church of Santa Chiara is located near the Piazza Jenne. Together with the adjacent monastery was founded in the late 13th - early 14th centuries for the community of nuns, the Poor Clares, who lived here until the end of the 19th century. In 1943 the structure was badly damaged during the bombing of the city, and the monastery was demolished - from it remained only ruins. Next to them is the church belfry. Facade of Santa Chiara remarkable portal with architraves beam, and inside you can admire the huge gilded wooden altarpiece. In the crypt of the church you can see the foundations of the Middle Ages.

Another interesting church Stampace - Chiesa dei Santi. This small temple was built in the late 18th-century building on the site of the 16th century, which in turn stood on the site of the church of the 13th century. Chiesa dei Santi - one of the most important religious buildings of Cagliari, as it is related to the cult of the most revered saint locals - Efizio martyr. According to legend, in this place where today stands the church, the saint was captured and sent to the Burrow, where he was beheaded. The relics of Saint Efizio now stored in a niche in the massive altar of colored marble. In the second chapel to the right you can see a statue of the 17th century, depicting the saint.

Finally, in the Stampace is worth visiting a botanical garden with a huge collection of tropical plants and a bastion of Santa Croce - the most spectacular of all.

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