Photo: House of Terror
The building itself is remarkable in that it was built in 1880 by architect Adolf fest. After transferring it into the hands of the Public Foundation for the Study of Central and Eastern Europe in 2000, during the year there was carried out reconstruction - the building was completely renovated inside and out. Above the facade, interior design, the final view of the museum exhibition halls the architect Attila Kovacs. As a result of the building of the museum has acquired distinctive appearance pamyatnka - a stern, almost funereal: ornate entablature, black walls, granite pavement conclude facade in the frame, which sharply distinguishes it among the neighboring buildings on Andrassy Avenue. In sunny weather, wide visor with carved inscription «TERROR» casts a huge shadow on the upper part of the facade.
Musical arrangement of the exhibition, which includes music by the symphony orchestra, stereo samples and sound effects, was invented by Hungarian music group fronted Bonanza Banzai Kovacs Akos.
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