Church Paraskeva
   Photo: Church of Paraskeva

The north side of the Holy Spirit Monastery was built of wood church, consecrated in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva - the ancient patroness extensive Borovichi region. To the church of the Cathedral Church of St. James leads birch alley planted during 1868-1870 years, on both sides of the monastery which features a spacious field.

Paraskeva Church was the main temple Pyatnitskiy Borovichi churchyard. Near the temple was a holy spring-water source, as consecrated in the name Paraskeva, who since that time have always venerated as miraculous. In mid-1613 the church was burned down by Swedish troops mercilessly, then churchyard as the administrative center never renewed. At the site of a pre-existing temple for several years it was built wooden chapel of St. Paraskeva.

Throughout 1796 the chapel was adapted throne, and it was consecrated as a church in honor of St. Paraskeva - this date was the founding date of the church, which has survived to modern times. Architectural element of the Church even today has kept the elements of the old chapel. There is rarely conducted the service, but the service is always carried out on the feast of St. Paraskeva, as well as on all Fridays, starting from ninth on Friday and the Easter holiday until Friday Elias. At the gates of the temple has always sat a monk, because to go to the holy source, it was necessary to enter the territory of the church.

In those days the church was on a high foundation, built of red brick. In the central part of the roof is located a light octagonal drum equipped with a hemispherical dome. From the west of the temple had the Greatest belfry. Available on belfry and dome crosses were erected on small cupola. On the outside of the temple and belfry decorated beautiful icons painted on boards.

In 1937 the church was closed, and its building was posted weaving guild. Temple drum was completely dismantled and the interior of the inherent crushed. Available paintings burned using a blowtorch, a holy spring filled with lime, the chapel was destroyed.

In 1960, the Church of St. Paraskeva borovichanam returned due to the closure of the Assumption church. For a long time the church was in disrepair, its basement was flooded with water, the floors are rotten and collapsed, and the roof leaked badly. The process of restoration of the temple took place in a difficult time for the Orthodox Church, which was a feat John Bukotkina community.

From outside the temple walls were plastered and painted on the inside. The church was made two thrones, the chief of which was consecrated in the name of St. Paraskeva, and the other - in honor of the Assumption of Our Lady. A hemispherical dome of the church with light drum is not immediately restored, even for some time the cross was located just to the onion who. Then restore the well, but at a different location, as it was impossible to clean off the last of the lime.

In 1981 he was appointed rector of the Church, Archimandrite Ephraim, whose efforts to complete all the planned repairs.

For a long period of time the temple Paraskeva was the only force in the town of Borovichi and served as the city's main cathedral, because there are often subjected to various restructuring. Near the southern wall of the church is respected shrine of Orthodox residents of the city - a cancer with relics of Saint James of Borovichi miracle worker. Another relic of the church was the Holy Martyr Paraskeva icon with particles of its relics, which was written in the 19th century in the academic style. It is worth mentioning that in the church there is also an old garment, which, according to ancient legend, Borovichi hold services St. John of Kronstadt.

Today, the church has only one Glaucus, equipped with a metal cross. The church held worship services, as well as wedding ceremonies are conducted and the sacrament of baptism.

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