Saint-Catherine Street
   Photo: Saint-Catherine Street

The main attractions of Rue St. Catherine in Bordeaux - it's boutiques and shops, all of it counted about two hundred and fifty. The length of the street is about a kilometer and a quarter. In other words, the density of outlets are extremely high.

In addition, it is worth noting a very convenient location street Saint Catherine connects two central city square - Victory and Comedy. At the Place de la Comedie is the Grand Theatre and Victory Square - an obelisk to the glory of wine, the university and the gates of Aquitaine, to which the street and leads.

Saint-Catherine Street has long been considered trading in the 70s of the last century have made it pedestrian. In addition to shops, a street and historic attractions. At the intersection with a street is the Place Saint-lived, where you can see a Gothic cross that marks the spot of the old cemetery, which was located on the site. Nearby is a building of the Church of St. Simeon the XIV century, which is now used as a cinema.

We know that the street name appeared thanks to the chapel, which is in the XI century was built by the Knights of Malta. The chapel was later abandoned and eventually destroyed, and the XIX century of it was gone. It is also known that Saint Catherine in the Middle Ages conducted a brisk trade in meat and flour, with butchers' street was a kind of "reservation", in other places they were not allowed to trade. In the first half of the XIX century in that part of the street, which is close to the Place de la Comedie, were built covered shopping arcade "Galeries Bordelez 'owners were wealthy Mexicans emigrants.

At the beginning of this century, the street was restored and landscaped by Jean-Michel Wilmotte. This architect is also known for designing the interior of the Orsay Museum and the modern look of the Champs-Elysées, his work can be seen in other countries. In Russia, he developed the concept of reconstruction of the Moscow factory "Red October" and implemented several projects in other cities.

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