Valley Ragusha
   Photo: Valley Ragusha

The formation of the complex nature monument "River Ragusha" happened in 1976. It is located in the village of Ore Hill Boksitogorsky district of Leningrad region. To get to the natural monument can be from St. Petersburg to Boksitogorsk further, cross the river, between the villages of Ore Hill and Clay.

Monument Complex "River Ragusha" has the status of a natural monument, created for the purpose of preserving Ragushi with its unique karst landscape, rock outcrops, the valley formed in the shape of the canyon, as well as diverse and unique vegetation.

The geological structure of the unique Valley Ragushi primarily limestone obliged, to issue as early as the Carboniferous period. The limestones are more fractured in nature and come to the earth's surface, which creates favorable conditions for the process of leaching of soluble limestone rock, forming a large number of craters, including even funnel disastrous type.

The river valley - particularly tortuous and almost completely overgrown with trees and shrubs. Not far from the bridge leading over the river to the village of Ore Hill Valley is almost completely littered with huge limestone fragments that come off the top of the rocks are located.

At the bottom of the bridge is a canyon with sloping banks, which reach heights of over 8 meters. Truncations gray-yellow limestone rocks are located almost vertically, which makes an unforgettable impression. In some places the rocks are cut by large cracks, but somewhere there is a niche, forming deep caves.

Upper Ragushi are very similar to the upper reaches of medium-sized rivers of the north-western part of Russia, which is manifested in the formation of shallow valleys, as well as for slow water flow among the spruce forests. Land bed, where the village of Ore Hill, in the spring and autumn seasons is filled with water. The lower part of the river valley is characterized by an intense discharge of water through the Vaucluse - ascending sources. Along the area of ​​karst processes canyon river valley becomes the character, and the height of the sides is almost 60 m. Beach Ragushi in this part of the steeply cut by several streams, and sometimes you can see small waterfalls. In some places the canyon slopes are dotted with limestone fragments, which show yashmovidnye nodules.

No less diverse and unpredictable river fauna Ragusha. The sides of the valley dotted with rare for the area of ​​deciduous and alder forests, which are presented in a variety of floral complexes, such as immoral, taiga, and some others. Here you can see broad-leaved bell, giant fescue, and moss growing on the rocks. But the most beautiful representative of the flora conservation area is a forest or a lady's slipper orchid.

The river is a great place for certain spawning trout. Raised bogs are especially rich local fauna: Whimbrel and gray crane. Besides, here represented by the greatest number of bird species of grouse. Special pride of the natural monument are nesting Dipper, and in the upper Ragushi are beaver populations. Almost the whole area of ​​natural complex is favorable for living elk, wild boar, raccoon dogs, wolves, foxes, hares, badgers and even brown bears.

On the territory of the complex monument is strictly prohibited: land reclamation, plowing, any interference in the hydrological regime of natural areas, geological surveys, laying of all types of communication, the use of pesticides and toxic chemicals, littering areas and water areas, as well as hunting and parking.

Today, around the perimeter of the bed Ragushi are planting a forest belt, the width of which is 15 meters, which was created in order to protect the river basin. The government of the Leningrad region, and more specifically the Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources aims to preserve the unique natural area, including its inhabitants.

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