Arles Antique Museum
   Photo: Museum of Ancient Arles

Even a place for the Ancient Museum of Arles was not chosen anyhow any, and next to one of the most ancient sites of the city - the ruins of the Roman circus, which was the venue for chariot races. For a museum in 1995 on the banks of the Rhone it was built modern building unusual triangular plates lined with blue. Such an architectural solution suggested by Henri Kyrian.

The collection of this museum make up the cultural and historical values ​​found during archaeological excavations in Arles and the surrounding area. We know that she has a collection of more than one century - so, in the beginning of the XVII century it was introduced in the House of the commune. The city was even adopted a special document, according to which all found objects clearly ancient origin have been transferred to this collection. In the next century pieces from this collection are exhibited in the new building of the City Hall. Part of the collection was placed in the open air - in the city have created gardens of old, which kept the most ancient sculptures.

At the end of the XVIII century, the location of the museum became a necropolis Alikamp. In the XIX century, he moved again - this time in the wall of the chapel of St. Anne. However, the museum's collection are regularly replenished, and in the XX century, the chapel is no longer housed the museum funds. Then it was decided to build a new "home" for a collection of antiquity.

The collection of the Museum of Ancient Arles, you can see objects dating from several periods - prehistoric era, ancient Roman and early Christian period. Here are sculptures, reliefs, sarcophagi, mosaic work. Such cognitive activities like visiting the ancient museum, easy to combine with a nice - near the museum you can have a picnic on a specially equipped for this site.

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