National Park "Qianshan Mountain"
   Photo: National Park "Qianshan Mountain"

Ridge Qianshan is located in the southeast of Anshan, on the border of North Korea and China. It occupies a total area reaches 72 square kilometers This is one of the most popular and most visited national parks in China. In addition, the state-level nature reserve included in the first group of key scenic landscapes of the country.

The range consists of hundreds of mountains in the spring forest of the valley in the area filled with the scent of flowering pears. In summer Qianshan buried in the dense greenery of forests (it is 95% of the landscape), which leaves with the onset of autumn becomes scarlet. In winter, the mountain range covered with snow.

The rich nature and picturesque landscapes allowed in 1960 to include Qianshan ten famous mountains in China, and in 1980 - to receive the honorary status of natural areas at the state level.

Among the first four beauties of the National Park should be called cliffs, flowers, pears, pine frost and unusual forms peaks panorama ridge just Qianshan (for example, the most famous - the top of the Five Buddhas and peak Fairy platform).

On the slopes of the mountain peaks today operates forty monasteries, it is in Qianshan seek more than a thousand Taoist priests and Buddhist monks each year. In the mountains, well preserved more than two dozen temples, including such as the source of the Dragon, Dzuyue, Da'an, Chzhunhuey, Sanyan. Impressive mountain and the statue of Maitreya Buddha, which reaches a height of seventy meters.

Full credit to the ridge is also a fact that the city is rich in Anshan large reserves of jade. Within the city, you can find more than a hundred variants of various products made from this material.

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