Lake Voulismeni
   Photo: Lake Voulismeni

Lake Voulismeni - freshwater lake in the town of Agios Nikolaos. This is one of the two freshwater lakes in Crete. Lake Voulismeni is located in the city center and is well-known local landmark. Residents of the town call it simply "lake". It has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 137 m and a depth of 64 m. Lake Voulismeni is connected to the sea by a channel which was dug 1867-1870 biennium. After that, surface water became salty, but at a depth of 30 m below the lake is freshwater. Along the canal today is a port city.

The lake has always been shrouded in legends. For a long time the locals thought that the lake is bottomless. This place is inhabited by evil spirits that gave rise to various superstitions. This myth was dispelled in 1853 when the British admiral Spratt measured depth in the middle of the lake, it was 210 feet (64 m). Also, according to legend, bathed in the lake goddess Athena and Artemis.

The lake has a distinctive vertical walls that resemble volcanic crater. Therefore, for some time it was believed that the lake was formed at the site of the sunken volcano. To date, no evidence of this. In 1956, during the eruption of Santorini volcano water came out of the lake, it is possible to assume that there is a geological fault that connects Voulismeni and Santorini. This assumption is also no evidence.

At the end of World War II, when the German army left the island, the locals flooded the lake all the weapons and armor, as a symbol of liberation from the invaders.

The famous deep sea researcher Jacques-Yves Cousteau visited the town of Agios Nikolaos, especially for exploring the lake.

Every year on the eve of Easter majority of the population of the city is going at midnight near Lake Voulismeni and grandiose celebration with fireworks.

The western part of the lake is surrounded by cliffs, and its eastern side is occupied by numerous restaurants and cafés, which offer beautiful panoramic views. Lake Voulismeni is the center of night life of the city.

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