Natural Park of "Monte Subasio"
   Photo: Natural Park of "Monte Subasio"

Natural Park of "Monte Subasio" stretches in the eponymous mountain range to the north-east of Assisi and dominates the entire Valle Umbra from a height of 1,300 meters above sea level. The word "Subasio" means "Mountain of Assisi", as the city and the mountain live in a semblance of a close symbiosis since antiquity. The entire historic center of Assisi lies within the park area.

The city was built of pink stone, which took on the Monte Subasio, and for centuries the history of the mountain, he received all the necessary - building materials, timber, agricultural products, thus affecting the geomorphology and vegetation of the mountain.

The flora of the Monte Subasio is divided into three zones: the bottom is characterized by olive groves that stretch from Spello to Assisi on one side and from Costa di Trex to Armetsano and San Giovanni on the other. In the middle belt can meet different kinds of oak, hornbeam, flowering ash, maple, beech and holly. Finally, a third zone to the summit presented pasture, and the eastern slopes of the mountains stand out for their toughness.

Despite the fact that hunting is prohibited in the park for the past several decades, the fauna is very poor: occasionally there are wolves, and even in the mid-1960s there were nesting peregrines and quail. Today, in the park you can see partridges, wild cats, squirrels, wild pigeons, magpies, jays, hedgehogs, foxes, martens and wild boars. On the eastern slopes of Monte Subasio nesting buzzards, hawks and owls.

All roads that were laid in the park, which connects the historic center of Assisi, Spello, Nocera, Umbra and Valtopiny other smaller mountain villages. If you go through the gates of Assisi Port Perlich and go on the road 444 Assizana, then turning right, you can be at the head office park in the town of Piombino Ka. From there you can climb up to Costa di Trex and Armentsano through to get to a fortified settlement or village of San Giovanni fortress Kollepino.

The scenic road, which offers wonderful views, leading tourists to the monastery of the Madonna della spell near the town of Spello and the hermitage Eremo delle Carceri. Along the way, you can also stop in the Abbey of San Benedetto or to stay at the top of the Monte Subasio, covered with meadow grasses. Located near the top of Mortara Mortara Grande and Piccolo - Two dried valleys, which in the past were used for the production of ice by pressing the snow.

In addition to the roads in the park laid a lot of hiking trails and routes for horse riding, which usually begin in Costa di Trex, Armentsano, San Giovanni and Kollepino.

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