St. Nicholas Cathedral of St. Nicholas Monastery Terebenskogo
   Photo: St. Nicholas Cathedral St. Nicholas Monastery Terebenskogo

According to ancient written tradition, the inception of the beautiful Cathedral of St. Nicholas Monastery Terebenskogo took place in 1502 with the support of a wealthy landowner Michael Obutkova.

In 1611 Lithuanian troops destroyed the Cathedral and only 30 years later, not far from the ruins of the cell was built for the priest Abramius. At the site of the former temple it was soon discovered an icon of St. Nicholas that was a sign for the revival of the lost cathedral. In 1699 construction works were initiated. The consecration took place on its December 29, 1699. Metropolitan of Novgorod Job Vyshnevolotsky and signed the instrument of carrying out the process of sanctification and gave her Andrian - ieromonahu Terebenskoy Nikolaev desert.

In the first decades of the 19th century it has been received the long-awaited permission to start construction of a new stone church, consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and pledged that took place in 1833. Directly abode provided for workers places to stay.

In the summer of 1833 monk Sergius signed an agreement to finish the new cathedral of St. Nicholas Church with a coachman named Gabriel Ivanov and his children: Mikhail Nikiforov, Ivan and Peter Gavrilov-Pozharsky. Children Gavrila Ivanovich set about plastering. All the work carried out were made on time, clean and in good faith. It was agreed on the cast and molded shapes, later settling in the interior and exterior of the cathedral, as well as in the dining room, on the altar and in the belfry.

In the spring of 1835 came into force a new contract for works between hieromonk Gabriel and urban petty bourgeois Berestov Ivan on painting walls, starting from the top of the dome wall and ending the arch; painting and subject to the internal surfaces of the altar. Provisions for contract work was completed in the summer of 1836. With the support of the workers had been exposed to the monastery forest that has not done without the support of people Berestova.

Hieromonk Nicholas Terebenskoy the desert, which was responsible for the construction process at St. Nicholas Cathedral in the spring of 1839 told the Archbishop of Tver and Kashin on completion of the plan, not only concerning the construction work, but also decorations novovozvedennogo Cathedral.

It filed an application for permission to cast the new bell, weighing up to 300 pounds. Bourgeois Svinkin Mikhail Ivanovich, acting in the person of the chief master of Ostashkov, decided to take part in the production of bells. Casting took place at the monastery land. It is for this reason, it was approved the decision to build the plant is made of brick and wood, without requiring additional allowances from the monastery. The amount of remuneration was to be 10 thousand rubles, agreed in advance of work beginning to pay part of the money. The rest of the money was paid after the cast bells, while the monastery received a one-year warranty to a possible marriage.

Until now preserved statement for 1855, which means that the church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and is a stone. All construction work was curtained in 1835, and the consecration of the church took place on 1 October 1838. The cathedral was listed two chapels, one of which was consecrated in honor of the righteous saint Wonderworker Borovitsky Jacob, and the second - in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. The consecration of the first chapel was October 20, 1834 Serafim - Krasnokholmsky Archimandrite, the other - after five days of Terebenskoy hieromonk Gabriel monastery.

During the years of Soviet power Nikolsky cathedral, like most other churches, it was closed. Today the cathedral is actively restored.

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