Museum "Tula gingerbread"
   Photography Museum "Tula gingerbread"

In the city of Tula there is a remarkable museum "Tula gingerbread" located on Oktyabrskaya street, 45 a. The initiators of the museum was a group of enthusiasts led by the director of confectionery factory "Old Tula." The formation of the museum took place in late 1996 in the previously existing weapons wings brothers Lalin. There is also a large gingerbread workshop and at it - shop. Today the museum has won great popularity among residents and visitors alike. It can be classified as unique, because it is fully devoted to one of the most beloved by the Russian people treats.

Visiting the museum "Tula Gingerbread", you can learn in detail about the history of the stick, which appeared in Russia quite a few centuries ago, so this story bears a large number of years, it is characterized not only ups, and downs, as well as a period of neglect and true revival. In the museum you can learn more about the accepted rites in ancient times and traditions. It is possible to find out exactly how the production of cakes comes in the framework of modern production and immediately compare them with those cakes that were made back in the old ways, and according to old recipes.

The museum exhibition includes a truly diverse samples from the smallest stick, the weight of which reaches only 50 grams, and ending with the great - the only one on the territory of Russia - shestnadtsatikilogrammovym.

During the tour it is possible to keep track of literally on the heels of the historical development of the people of this popular delicacy, which echoes the history of our country, because it is important to understand what happens during a different time of the event, were able to find their reflection in the most intricate flavors of gingerbread .  The museum has a lot of variety, such as gingerbread festive, greeting, name, history, honor, custom, decorative, and many others .  This kind of gingerbread like printing, combines an amazing complex represented, on the one hand, the surprising and tasty delicacy, on the other hand - postcards, souvenirs, posters and greetings that are decorated in the best traditions of Russian and demanded .  Fragrant and sweet cakes have always been a "welcome" at the festive table in Russia at the time of not only funny but also sad events .  Very fond of feast cakes, even the kings, so it is understandable that the peasant population, this kind of sweet was in a special premium .  There have to be such holidays and feasts, which was mandatory presence of cakes, for example, at a birthday party .

The museum exhibition includes documents, photographs, a collection of gingerbread and gingerbread planks, things Pryanichnikov Tula, as well as a considerable number of other interesting information, which carefully keeps the factory for 120 years since its inception.

The earliest written mention of gingerbread appear in the scribe books of 1658. As you know, the city of Tula has always been famous for many interesting articles presented samovars, weapons, harmonic. These products have long exhibited popular museums of the city, but it is the museum "Tula Gingerbread" has become one of the most popular in Russia.

One feature of the museum is that visitors have the opportunity to try the carrot printed immediately from the oven, which is indescribable aroma of fragrant oil and honey. Nearing the end of the tour you can buy fresh carrots as the goodies in the gift shop.

The famous museum "Tula Gingerbread" is a worthy holder of its place in the Museum Association of the Russian Federation, while his team prepared a large traveling exhibition. Despite the fact that the museum, there are only a few years, the exhibition has seen residents of Samara, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Syzran, Murom, Novokuibyshevsk; museum exposition was presented in the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.

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