Museum and Exhibition Center "Tula ancient"
   Photo: Museum and Exhibition Center "Tula ancient"

On the Prospect Lenina 47 Tula city is a popular museum and exhibition center "Tula antiquity." The base of the center took place in 1993 in the building of one of the oldest manor houses built in the early twentieth century. The purpose of the museum was the protection, promotion and study of historical monuments and archeology of Tula and its region.

In spring 1995, it was celebrated the next day, the museum, which was inaugurated the museum, devoted to the historical development of the Tula region, ranging from the Stone Age and ending with the formation of the province of Tula in the 18th century. The bulk of the museum's collection of stock represented archaeological collection, which at the time were collected archaeological expedition between 1990 and 1996.

As part of the Museum and Exhibition Center operates an interactive exhibition "Secrets of Tula masters", as well as a museum dedicated to archeology, which contains unique and amazing exhibits, such as the archaeological finds of the expedition Tula.

"Secrets of Tula craftsmen" acquaint visitors with numerous household items 17-18 centuries and interiors of traditional urban hut. All the curious will be able not only to track all processes of blacksmithing and pottery, but also take part in the proceedings.

The exhibition, devoted to archeology, built on the principle of temporary tapes, and then divided by the fundamental periods of periodization. The first section of the Archaeological Museum dedicated to the Stone Age. He tells the story of authentic objects tools Stone Age mammoth bones, fragments of pottery; You can follow the process at which the production of these stone objects and reconstruction of the main ones - made of arrows and stone axes.

The second section tells about the time the prevalence of bronze objects created on the territory of Tula region in the II millennium BC There are genuine objects of the time: weapons, tools, modeled utensils, some objects made of bronze, and the things of bronze production.

The third section is called "Early Iron Age and Slavic tribes" and tells the story of the resettlement of Finno-Ugric and Baltic tribes in the zone the Tula region. There is an opportunity to see items of arms and labor, forged iron, as well as jewelry made of glass and bronze and the first evidence of trade.

The fourth section is devoted to Old period, while in the section you can see a map of ancient Russian towns belonging to the Tula region.

The exhibition, entitled "Secrets of Tula craftsmen" was opened in January 1999. The main purpose of the exhibition is to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the workshop Tula dating 16-18 centuries. The opportunity to participate in a truthful, the historical museum and stylized project dedicated to medieval production.

The main objective was to identify an interactive exhibition and display authentic objects production Tula craftsmen. Three thematic sections of the museum exhibition are the house of local artisans as the living room as a blacksmith and pottery workshops.

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