Carved art museum
   Photo: Museum of carved art

Carved Museum of Art is located in the old Daskalov house in Tryavna, since it is here that there Tryavnenskaya School of Fine Arts - the oldest in Bulgaria. She was born on the border of 17-18 centuries and developed in areas such as construction, icons and wood carvings. One of these crafts - wood carving - and is dedicated to the museum in the house Daskalovo similar museums in Bulgaria there.

The building was erected in 1804-1808, the tryavnevskim merchant Hristo Daskalov for sons. House with characteristic while the rich decoration can be called a model of the architecture of the Renaissance in Bulgaria. Two sun depicted on the wooden ceilings of the rooms are considered the most famous exhibits of the museum. Cut them craftsmen - Dimitar Oshanets and his pupil Ivan Bochukovets, in 1808, they had an argument about who will cut the sun on the ceiling prettier and better.

Here are the main ranges of woodcarving: the most simple, the so-called shepherd's carving, carving to decorate the house, and the most difficult but also the most beautiful - the church carving. Shepherd thread is geometric shapes, cutting deep, so basically decorated everyday objects, such as spoons, distaffs, snuff and salt shakers. Original candlestick, which is designed to travel and truly be called one of the most unusual exhibits presented in the museum.

Most homes Tryavna traditionally encountered different samples of the thread, such as household items, doors, columns and iconostasis. By tradition, each family had its own home iconostasis, so the museum presents various examples of the iconostasis, the work tryavnenskie carvers. In addition, the museum shop is carved art, which shows a variety of tools and methods for carvers of the woodwork.

The attention of visitors the museum attracts also a collection of works of original master Gencho Marangozova. These are samples of carved wooden sculpture and art, which depicts Bulgaria khans and kings, and the bas-reliefs depicting the famous figures of the Renaissance, made by order of a wealthy factory owner from Sofia Abram Chalovskogo.

In addition, the museum's collection included a variety of interesting subjects, reflecting the city's history.

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