Obelisk "hero city of Leningrad"
   Photo: Obelisk "hero city of Leningrad"

May 8, 1985 in Leningrad, in the center of one of the most majestic squares of the city - Uprising Square - opened obelisk "hero city of Leningrad." This event took place exactly 20 years later, after the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the Regulation "On the highest distinction - the title of" Hero City ". For the first time the city was called Leningrad-hero in the order of the Supreme Commander of the May 1, 1945

The authors of the 36-meter high monument is the architect AI Alymov and VS Lukyanov. The bronze ornament - the work of sculptor A. Vinogradov, AS Charkin, BA Petrov VD Sveshnikov. The monument is a reminder of another monument dedicated to the heroism of the Russian people in the war of 1812 - Alexander Column.

The granite monolith monument completes the front part of the Nevsky Prospekt. Together with a complex of buildings located along the perimeter of the area - the hotel "October", the buildings of the Moscow railway station and "Revolt Area" - an obelisk included in a harmonious ensemble.

Obelisk of the heroic city installed 50 concrete piles. The base and the base of the monument - ten-meter height of its central part, along with pommel exceed 22 meters. The weight of the main body of about 360 tons, the base width of about 9 meters, the total weight of the obelisk of 750 tons, the diameter of the base 3 and 6 meters, the inner circle of bronze wreath 4, 5 meters, the height of the stars and the tops of 3 and 6 meters, the size of the stars, made of stainless steel, is 1, 8 meters. The lower part of the obelisk covered with bas-themed "The rear-front", "blockade", "Victory", "Attack", telling about the days of the defense of Leningrad, and recalling the heroic past of the city. In the bronze cartouche inscription - "Hero City Leningrad". Above the bas-reliefs of the obelisk is surrounded Wenk Fame bronze. At the top of the obelisk of the city-hero - "Gold Star".

The monument was inaugurated in a solemn ceremony in 1985, on the eve of Victory Day. Nevsky Prospect and Ligovsky, the area of ​​the Rebellion were decorated with banners, flags and flags. In honor of this event it has been issued a commemorative medal, badges, postcards. Right opening was granted an honorary citizen and famous citizens: the director of the museum "Hermitage" Academician BB Piotrovsky, Hero of the Soviet Union V. Kharitonov, commander of the Leningrad Naval Base Admiral VA Samoilov, twice Hero of Socialist Labor V. Chicherova, the honored worker of culture, science, art.

Thousands of people, St. Petersburg and guests, came to the square on this day. At the obelisk was built honor guard that brought battle flags of military units, flags and Leningrad region, topped orders. The orchestra of the Leningrad Military District sounded the national anthem of the USSR, the marches of the war years. During the ceremony, a parade was held, during which passed in solemn ranks soldiers of all arms and honor guard. In laying flowers to the monument was attended by representatives of foreign countries, soldiers of foreign armies, officials of various ranks, residents and visitors of Leningrad.

To install the obelisk invited qualified builders and installers. Granite, which is made of the monument, was produced in the quarry "Revival" not far from Vyborg. The monolithic slab weighing more than 2 tons has been separated from the main reservoir 6 November 1983 Part of the treatment was carried out at the place of his career. The final part of the cutting and polishing of the obelisk was conducted already in place - in the area of ​​the Rebellion.

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