Mount Sinai
   Photo: Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai, also called as the Mountain of Moses, Mount Horeb, the mountain of the Tour is located in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula. According to the texts of the Old Testament, on Mount Sinai was given by the Lord to Moses, the law, which consists of the Ten Commandments. On the mountain there is a chapel of the Holy Trinity, which was built in the 4th century, and where there is a stone in the form of a plate inscribed with the law given by the Lord. It has the name of the tablets of the Covenant. Nearby is the mosque, which was built in the 12th century. At the moment, the two buildings are closed.

At the top of Mount Sinai and there are numerous shrines and revered places that attract thousands of pilgrims each year. To get there, you need to overcome the 2285 meters in altitude, ascent lasts about three hours. There are two ways to climb the mountain. One road is considered the shorter and difficult due to the coolness and looks in the form of steps cut into the rock, which are called Stairway of Repentance. Number of steps - around 3100, passing over it is only possible in the afternoon. The second way is longer, it is called the Camel Trail, as it is possible to pass on part of the journey on camels. The trail is dotted with tents for relaxation, where you can eat hot drinks, sweets. It is believed that the last hundred steps necessary to walk. On the way to the top there are two spring - first source of Moses, which flows from the mountains, then the spring of Elijah, who is mentioned in the Old Testament.

Pilgrims started to climb Mount Sinai in the first centuries after the birth of Christianity. One of the first royal personages who visited the mountain, became Empress of Byzantium - Elena, who lay here and ordered the temple of the Burning Bush. Another, no less well-known pilgrim was the Prophet Muhammad, who promised to protect the monastery of St. Catherine, placed at the foot of the mountain. It is worth noting that during the existence of this monastery has not been subjected to attacks and destruction.

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