Monastery of St.. Catherine at Mount Sinai
   Photo: Monastery of St.. Catherine at Mount Sinai

St. Catherine's Monastery on Mount Sinai - is the Greek Orthodox monastery. It is known as the oldest monastery in the world, which operates to this day. The monastery lived Greek monks and novices.

We founded it in the year 527 in a place where, according to tradition, the Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush burning bush. In the 9th century, there were the relics of St. Catherine, in whose honor was consecrated the monastery. Near the entrance to the monastery in the 19th century bell tower was built in the Russian money donors, nine bells were poured Russian craftsmen. In an annexe to the main temple of the monastery is an exhibition featuring the old icons and books. These artifacts is just a small part of the treasures that belong to the monastery. The central hall is separated six pillars, which depicts saints. Marble floor dates back to the 18th century and gilded iconostasis of the church - the 17th century. The relics of St. Catherine are on the altar of the tomb, covered with a white blanket.

The most sacred place in the temple is considered to be located behind the altar of a chapel at the entrance to her it is necessary to take off your shoes. With marble columns supported the altar of the chapel, and below are the biblical roots of the legendary bush - burning bush. For the most bush has a high pedestal behind the walls of the chapel.

The monastery is a large library with more than three thousand ancient manuscripts. The monastery garden includes a cemetery, where the graves of six, and Chapel of St. Timothy's, which are the remains of monks living in the monastery for centuries.

Thousands of tourists from around the world annually visit the Monastery of St. Catherine.

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