House A.I.Skvortsova
   Photo: House A.I.Skvortsova

In 1906, at the intersection of Vvedensky (now Grigorieva EF) and Gymnasicheskaya (now the street Nekrasov) built unusual for a two-storey mansion in Saratov, which still stirs the imagination of citizens. The house was built customized respected man in town - barrister Alexander Ivanovich Skvortsov, who came from a wealthy merchant family, graduated from the law faculty of Moscow University, and reputed to be a successful lawyer. In 1902 he married the daughter of a profitable rich merchant Bestuzhev, Skvortsov elected vowel City Council and is adjacent to the left wing (liberals). In addition to political and legal achievements, Alexander was known as a great esthete and comprehensively developed person, a member of the department of music school and later conservatory.

Having built a mansion, a couple with two sons Skvortsov won the second floor, while the first passed vnaёm wealthy citizens. Most dignitaries Saratov were regular guests hospitable and gracious hosts house: Slavin, Arapov, Exner and then still a young lawyer, the future prime minister of the Provisional Government - AF Kerensky

Near the house, like all the wealthy people of the time, there is a spacious stables with thoroughbred horses. The pride and the darling of the owner of the mansion was the English mare Josephine, whose gallop on the streets of Moscow, according to eyewitnesses, with a rider in the face of Alexander Ivanovich enthralled observers.

The beautiful mansion was the addition of extraordinary personality Skvortsova: delicately painted facade in bright tiles with large windows and elaborately carved solid oak front door and mysterious eyes lowered head of the Sphinx in the end of the house, reminiscent of the spouse of the former owner of the house - Vera Petrovna Bestuzhev.

After the revolution the mansion and stables transferred to the district housing department, and by the 1990s years building without repair and restoration was an emergency. Having found a new owner in the face of the construction company, the mansion after restoration work has found new life. Now the building is a historic landmark and an architectural monument of Saratov.

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