Monument plumber
   Photo: Monument plumber

Monument plumber located in Rybinsk on the Volga embankment before looping the municipal enterprise "Vodokanal". Monument of the profession came here in 2009. On the eve of the 110th anniversary of the company management decided to order a monument to the novice sculptor. For the manufacture of the monument in the economy it has been collected enough scrap metal. Image plumbing was cast in bronze in Aviation Technology Academy. Thus, in Rybinsk did this "handler of waste water", nicknamed immediately monument half plumbers.

The author of the monument is a young resident of Rybinsk A. hops. 25-year-old process engineer Rybinsk finished art school. For him, a monument was sculpted plumber debut. The customer took plasticine sketch of Alexander. And after a few months near the entrance to "Vodokanal" monument at the site appeared radiant plumber. Prior to this order, Alexander portraits, landscapes, genre paintings. Alexander came to fame with the opening of the monument.

The monument depicts a plumber at times sitting in a sewer manhole with a wrench in his hand .  The idea behind this rather unusual monument belonged to the Director "Vodokanal" .  It is noteworthy that the bronze plumbing, emblazoned on the waterfront, is the prototype, unlike his other colleagues (they are in Russia about fifty) .  This is a very real person, whose name is Vyacheslav Porunin .  Sixteen years Vyacheslav Porunin work in "Vodokanal" .  He began his professional career with a simple office technician, today he holds the position of chief of a site for the operation of sewerage networks .  Now his colleagues call "obronzovevshim Nikolaitch" .  Vyacheslav specifically posed and sewer hatch, and the artist's studio .  They say that what happened is very similar - a bronze plumber and live Porunin - per person .  But in "Vodokanal" noted that the monument is legendary all handlers of wastewater, not a specific person .

Notable is the fact that less than a year Bronze plumber has become one of the city's main attractions. Every day on the site where the hero is set communalshik come numerous citizens and tourists. Among the townspeople firmly entrenched tradition - if you embrace the bronze figure, choose from a manhole, all domestic problems will not bother you. But it can be done only during business hours, since the monument stands in a protected area of ​​the municipal enterprise. But if there is the desire to get rid of communal misfortunes always find a way to be near Rybinsk Nikolaitch.

A separate topic is the cover at hand plumbing. It flaunts a two-headed Russian eagle. This can only be seen in Rybinsk.

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