Church of San Pietro in Montorio
   Photo: Church of San Pietro in Montorio

San Pietro in Montorio - the church in Rome, his remarkable Tempetto - a small memorial Martyr (type of memorial buildings) built by Donato Bramante. The church stands on the hill of Gianicolo at the site of the temple of the 9th century dedicated to St. Peter's - according to legend, this is where the saint was crucified. In the 15th century the ruins of the old church were transferred to the Order amadeitov based blissful Amadeus Portuguese, who served as a confessor when Pope Sixtus IV in 1472.

San Pietro in Montorio is decorated with works of art of outstanding masters of 16-17 centuries. In the first chapel to the right pictures stored Sebastiano del Piombo "Flagellation" and "Transfiguration of the Lord." The second chapel is remarkable fresco Niccolo Chirchinyani, frescoes by Pinturicchio school and an allegorical representation of Civil attributed to Baldassarre Peruzzi brush. Another chapel is decorated with ceiling frescoes by Giorgio Vasari. In the same chapel, according to legend, buried Beatrice Cenci, who was executed in 1599 for the murder of his father and later renowned Percy Bysshe Shelley (the tragedy of "The Cenci"). The ceiling is the fifth chapel attracts another fresco by Vasari. Finally, in the last chapel on the left kept the painting "Baptism of Christ" by Daniele da Volterra and frescoes by Giulio Mazzoni. Also pay attention to the chapel Raimondi, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and a chapel of the Pieta, painted by Dirk van Babyurenom.

At the main altar there are two graves - Hugh Baron Dungannon, the eldest son of Earl of Tyrone (Ireland), and Rory O'Donnell and his brother Katbarra. The three fled from Ireland in 1607 and soon died of malaria. Graves Irish covered with marble slabs with inscriptions and decorations.

Special mention deserves the so-called Tempetto - small memorial construction work of Donato Bramante, situated in the courtyard of the church of San Pietro in Montorio. Tempetto considered a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance architecture. After spending several years in Milan, Bramante moved to Rome, where he was received by Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, the future Pope Julius II. In Rome, the architect took up the study of ancient monuments, in which he drew inspiration. Thus, the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli later served as a model for Tempetto.

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