City Parks Riccione
   Photo: City parks Riccione

City Parks Riccione - an oasis of rest and relaxation in a small resort town. One of the most beautiful park is Montanari, spread over an area of ​​6000 sq.m. In this area, established various sports facilities - there is rollerdromes, skate markets Agricultural Art and treadmills. The main gate of the park, located in the heart of Riccione near Piazzale Kuriel, decorated with mosaics depicting the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Park "La Perla" - Pearl - covers an area of ​​480 sq.m. It is a symbol of this park in Riccione - a city which is called "green pearl" of the Adriatic. On its territory are several architectural elements relating to the history and peculiarities of Riccione. Inside the park there is a raised fountain, reminiscent of the movement of the sea waves, the center of which is a huge sink. Enjoy this sculptural composition can while walking along the street Viale Dante or sitting on one of the benches of La Perla.

The park "Parco della Resistance" - the resistance - was created in the 1970s. Once the land on which it is located, it has farmland where the grapes were grown. Various small hills that exist today in the park, were created during the construction of an artificial lake, which stretches over an area of ​​900 sq.m. Here it was built a small bridge with railings and the dam - it used tiles from the old ruined farmhouse. The total area of ​​the Parco della Resistencia - about 110 thousand square meters, which will accommodate a huge number of trees - oak, pine, elm, maple, laurel, cedars and poplars. In addition, you can meet these unusual trees like ginkgo biloba and a huge sequoia. The lake is planted with aquatic plant species. Scattered throughout the park several recreation areas for children and adults. And in the south-eastern part of the football stadium is located.

Finally, it should be said about the park of Pope John Paul II, covers an area of ​​12 thousand sq.m. It is crossed by small paths and planted with cedar trees, horse chestnut and yew trees. Recently, he was ennobled as a part of the historical Villa Lodi Fe.

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