Etruscan Arch
   Photo: Etruscan Arch

Etruscan Arch, also known as the Arch of Augustus, was built in Perugia around the 3rd century BC and it was one of the seven entrance gates to the city at the time. Going through the arch, and descending down the street Ulysses Rocky, you can be on the Corso Vannucci - the main thoroughfare of Perugia.

Two centuries after the construction on the arch was engraved with the inscription «Augusta Perusia» - it marked the conquest of the city by the Emperor Augustus. Perugia surrendered after a siege of seven months in about 40 BC It was a period of fierce clashes between Octavian Augustus and Mark Antony. The brother of the latter, Lucius, had barricaded himself in Perugia - while the city was virtually impregnable, as standing on the hill and was surrounded by thick walls with seven gates. Moreover, according to historical chronicles Lucius army outnumbered the enemy, and the city itself was enough food supplies and weapons. August decided to personally lead the military campaign against the recalcitrant rebels. In the end, Perugia fell, and the emperor was quick to violence - he sacked and burned the town, retaining only the temples of Vulcan and Juno.

But to somehow mitigate the consequences of their actions, in August allowed the survivors to rebuild Perugia again, but with the condition that the city will be called Augusta Perusia. That is appropriate inscription appeared on the Etruscan Arch and Porta Marzia.

For centuries, the history Etruscan Arch has repeatedly changed its name - it was third and Porte Porte Bork, the Arc de Triomphe and Porto Vecchio and Porta Pulkra. Be that as it may, these monumental gate in comparison with other city gates have survived best.

Etruscan Arch consists of two trapezoidal towers and facade. Above it is a small lodge in the Renaissance style, built in the 16th century and on both sides of it are made of sandstone blocks with the remains of two goals. Once they symbolized the ancient deities guarding the city. At the bottom right of the tower arches in the 17th century it was built a fountain.

Above the arch is visible metopes decorated with a frieze with a round shield and a Latin inscription - «Colonia Vibia». It was made by order of Gaius Trebonianus Vibia Galla during his short reign from 251 to 253 years. Military leader Gall, who ascended to the throne as a result of the so-called "military anarchy", and announced the fall of the Western Roman Empire, was a descendant of the famous family, who had Etruscan roots, and probably comes from Perugia. Just two years after accession, he was killed by his own soldiers, who joined the other commanders Marcus Emilianusu.

Before the Arch is located baroque Palazzo Gallenga Stewart, which since 1927 is located University for Foreigners Perugia. The palace was built on the initiative of Giuseppe Antinori as the residence of a noble surname Antinori Perugia. It was here that in 1720 the young Carlo Goldoni staged his first performance. In 1875, Palazzo bought Romeo Gallenga Stewart - hence the current name of the building.

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