Temple Sitennodzi
   Photo: Temple Sitennodzi

Founded in the end of VI century Sitennodzi temple was destroyed totally or partially seven times: thrice burned in the fire, he twice struck by lightning once was on the path of the typhoon and during the Second World War was bombed. In the 60s of the last century it was restored from the reinforced concrete, and as such it remains today.

Sitennodzi Temple is located in Tennoji. It was founded in 593 by the Prince Regent Shotoku, a former ardent supporter of Buddhism and Chinese culture. The Spread of Buddhism in Japan in VI century was accompanied by including armed clashes with followers of Shinto. Prince Shotoku's troops defeated the army of Shinto, the Prince saw in this victory patronage Sitenno - Four Heavenly Emperors, Buddhist gods and ordered to build a temple in their honor by inviting Korean carpenters from the kingdom Pekche.

In the central part of the territory of the temple was walled playground Gara, which were built five-tiered pagoda, pavilions Kondo (main hall) and Kodo (lecture hall). Behind the wall were four small temple, symbolizing the four areas in which the prince intended to achieve outstanding success in Japan. One of these temples symbolized religion and education, the second - well-being, and the third - the charity, the fourth - medicine. These churches need to be able to count on receiving financial and medical assistance.

The first time the temple was burned by lightning in the year 836, then in 960 there was a fire, which destroyed nearly all the buildings of the temple complex. At the end of XVI - early XVII centuries, the temple burned twice: first during the war Oda Nobunaga rebellious monks of the monastery Ishiyama Hongan-ji in 1576, the second - in 1614, during a confrontation between Tokugawa Ieyasu and Toyotomi supporters Hideёri. Each time the temple rebuilt after reconstruction conducted Ieyasu Tokugawa, Sitennodzi remained unharmed almost two centuries, followed by a series of misfortunes and destruction continued. In 1801, the temple was struck by lightning again. In the first half of the XX century, a typhoon in 1934 destroyed the five-story pagoda and the middle gate, which was restored before the Second World War. In 1945 Sitennodzi was again destroyed during the air raids US Air Force.

In the Heian period in the temple trained famous preachers, later founding their own schools of Buddhism - such as Saicho, Kukai, and Shinran Ippen. Temple Sitennodzi until mid XX century belonged to the Tendai school, but in 1946 around the temple formed a new doctrine - School Vasya.

At the temple's garden Gokurakudzёdo, which was established in accordance with the concept of the Pure Land of Amida Buddha. The garden is also the Treasury, which are stored and exhibited rare artifacts for religious purposes.

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