St. Nicholas Cathedral Cossack
   Photo: St. Nicholas Cathedral Cossack

Nicholas Cossacks Cathedral - the oldest operating temple city of Omsk. The issue of the construction of the temple for the Siberian Cossack army rose in 1829 initiated the construction of the cathedral was made by AM Lukin.

The draft of the temple went to the drawings of architect VP Stasov. The new plan adopted in 1833 Governor General IA Velyaminov and Bishop Athanasius. Trustee of the temple chose Lieutenant Colonel DD Pohomova. Construction of the cathedral managed translated from Tomsk to Omsk Field Engineer - Lieutenant G. Leshchev. The place of erection chosen area Cossack Vorstadt, which is located opposite the School of the Siberian Line Cossack troops. The temple was founded in May 1833 and was built on the donations of the Cossacks, and thanks to the efforts of various military commanders.

St. Nicholas Cathedral Cossack is a one-story brick church in the shape of "ship". The total height of the cathedral is 24 m. The temple has three entrances, which are decorated with Doric portico. The central façade is punctuated by Doric portico well, which is decorated with decorative details and completed a massive dandy. The Cathedral is complemented by a beautiful two-tiered bell tower. The lower tier of the bell tower with arched openings has the shape of a square, and the top - octagonal. The bell tower is topped with a tall steeple with a cross.

Icons for the church wrote Academician M. Soft and painting artist P. Skorospelov. The iconostasis was made by masters Ivan P. Batov Doolin and from Yekaterinburg.

In May 1840 the consecration of the church chapels warm - Simeon Anninsky and St. George. In September 1843 the high altar was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas. In September 1897 the cathedral was opened 4-classroom school for girls.

In 1921, the Christian community has lost ownership of the Cossack church. In 1929 the bell tower was dismantled, the dome was removed, and the building is transferred to the "cultural needs". In 1960, attempts were made to the demolition of the cathedral. Since 1966 the church building was in complete desolation. In the early 80-ies. in Cossack cathedral restoration was carried out, and in 1983 it established authority. In 1989 the temple was returned to the clergy Omsk, after which it gradually started to revive.

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