Garden Isuy en
   Photo: Garden Isuy en

Isuy-en Garden in Nara consists of two parts, each of which has a separate garden. Thus, the western part of the garden was originally a small temple, which was in the famous Buddhist temple Kofuku-ji. In 1670, the land bought Kiёsumi Mitikiё, wealthy tanner. Arrangement of the garden, he worked from 1673 to 1681 years, in particular, built the two houses with thatched roofs and Sansyutey Teysyuken. The name of one of them - Sansyutey - gave rector Manpuku-ji school Obaku Mokuan, it translates as "house of three miracles."

Arrangement of Oriental Garden was engaged in 1899 Seki Todziro entrepreneur, hired this architect Horitoku, representative of Urasenke school. In this part of the garden were built several houses for tea ceremony and laid the tracks for them.

In 1939, both the garden was bought and merged resident Nara Dzyunsaku Nakamura to create in their territory Neyraku Museum, which houses a collection of traditional Japanese ceramics. The museum was opened only in 1969, the basis of his collection went to ceramics collected Dzyunsaku Nakamura. In all there are more than two thousand items.

Isuy-en Garden covers an area of ​​13 square 5000. meters. The central garden pond are two islands. They are sculptures of a crane and a turtle, which in Japanese culture symbolize longevity. Form pond resembles the character "water", and the name Isuy en translates as "Garden on the water." Water is supplied from Pond Yoshiki River, which flows next to the garden.

Located along the hills Vakakusa and Kasuga-en Garden Isuy distinguished atmosphere of peace and quiet. In the spring it gives the opportunity to admire the cherry blossoms, and in the rest of the year helps to get an idea of ​​Japanese gardening art XII-XIX centuries.

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