Nico National Park in the north, is a hilly area on the spur of the plateau of the same name, rising by an average of 2 thousand. Meters above sea level. The entire territory of the reserve is covered fields "mopane" and dense evergreen forests "mimbo", alternating wet areas grassy bog marshes. The park is known for its wild flowers (including 120 varieties of orchids), which are particularly lush grow and bloom after the rains (November to April). The abundance of vegetation and attracts a lot of animals - the most common big pronghorn antelope, zebra, oryx (Cannes), hyenas, jackals and leopards and blue monkey (woodland) and more than 250 species of birds. The park is also loved by tourists for its herds of elephants and antelopes (including impala, kudu and zebu) and hippos, more common in the north of the park.   I can complement the description