   Photo: Tanvald

The famous ski resort Tanvald is incredibly popular among Czech and foreign travelers who want to relax in peace and tranquility. The city is located next to the Jizera mountains, but still not as close to him as the other resorts. Therefore here often come those who seek not only active winter sports and leisurely walks in the snow-covered forest, postcard views and a carefree existence for a holiday.

The first settlement on the site of the future city Tanvald was founded in the XVI century by the Germans. This explains the German name for the town. The first mention in the chronicles of the village, home to loggers and farmers who grow agricultural products, which they have implemented at fairs larger settlements, found in 1611.

At the beginning of the XVIII century near Tanvald were broken fields where flax was grown, and then from it created yarn and woven fabric of amazing quality. Soon the city there were two mills, glass factory and several spinning companies. City Tanvald attracted new specialists, provide them with housing, motivate their interesting work and thereby increase their own welfare.

In the early XX century on the main street of the town had electricity, and a little later built a public swimming pool and a theater.

Get in Tanvald you can use the railroad, trains leave from Prague and Turnov, or by bus. Special attractions, besides the chapel of St. Anne, you will not find here.

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