Kyrenia Castle
   Photo: Kyrenia Castle

Kyrenia Castle is located in the old harbor of the ancient town of Kyrenia .  The castle was built by the Venetians in the XVI century on the ruins of a large fortress, which appeared in the times of the Crusaders .  But this building was originally built in the VII century by the Byzantines to protect their territories from the Arab invaders .  It was rebuilt several times, and constantly passed from hand to hand .  As a result, it took the English King Richard the Lionheart, then gave it to Lusignan .  Then, in the period from 1208 till the year 1211, the castle was almost completely rebuilt: its territory has increased significantly, and new towers and the main entrance, and was built by a special royal residence .  However, as a result of the war with the Genoese fortress was badly damaged .  Its restoration and restructuring has involved the Venetians .  But despite all their efforts, soon the Turks have been able to capture the newly built castle and turn it into a military base .

After Cyprus gained independence, the castle was open to tourists, but during the Greek-Turkish clashes he had been used for military purposes.

Today the fortress is situated is one of the most interesting museums - the Museum of the shipwreck, where it is possible to look at the wreckage of the ancient ship of IV century BC, discovered in 1965. There are also kept the archaeological finds, icons and works of art. In addition, the grounds of the castle is a beautiful Byzantine church of St. George, which has recently been restored.

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