Castle Buffavento
   Photo: Castle Buffavento

Beautiful old castle Buffavento located on one of the mountain peaks in the northern part of Cyprus, near the town of Girne (Kyrenia) at an altitude of 950 meters above sea level. Thanks to what he has received the poetic name, which in Italian means "protection from wind" or "who challenged the wind."

This structure was built in the Kyrenia mountains between the castles of Kantara and St. Hilarion to protect areas from Arab raids. Thanks to this arrangement of defensive structures was simple enough to control the most important mountain passes - between the castle was arranged a special warning system using signal lights.

Originally the castle was built, according to historians, even the Byzantines in the XI century. Later, after the area came under the control of Lusignan in the XIV century, Buffavento was rebuilt and fortified. It was the French began to use it as a prison for dangerous criminals, which was called "Castle lion". According to some sources, the majority of prisoners died there of starvation. However, after a short time when Buffavento passed into the hands of the Venetians, he ceased to play such a significant role in the defense of the territory and was gradually abandoned.

Buffavento consisted of two levels - the lower barracks were located and warehouses, which can be accessed through the large arched gate. About 20 minutes walk from the gate was the upper level, where there were other buildings, including the chapel.

Today, from the castle were, unfortunately, only the ruins. However, this place is worth to go there - the kind that opens out, a truly fascinating.

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