Church of the Assumption of Our Lady
   Photo: Church of the Assumption of Our Lady

Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God was built on the site of a Gothic church, built in 1418. Historic building could not stand the test of time and numerous fire and was partially destroyed in 1737. Place namolennoe parishioners should not be empty, so the bishops of Wroclaw, which subordinates the local congregation, ordered the construction of a new church on the foundation of the old one. From the original church have survived the elements of medieval towers and the western facade is decorated in baroque style. The new church appeared in Jesenik in 1883. Its construction was short-lived: it lasted only a year.

During a devastating fire in 1737 damaged the parish and municipal archives. Documents kept in the sacristy of the church. Restore them it was very difficult, so it was subsequently decided to move the storage of archives to another building.

New Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God is very richly decorated. Now we can see a lot of decorations, which were acquired at the end of XIX century. This is a subject with its own history, the work of many famous artists of his time. Most of them are designed, long before the specified period. For example, a great canvas on which depicts the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, decorating the niche of the main altar, was written in 1763 Elias Frantisek Herbert. This artist is also the author of several images on the side altars. The sculptor of the main altar is considered Bernard Kutzer and working over the side, Christian Keller.

Visitors to the church and pay attention to the magnificent stained-glass windows, close the windows of the temple.

During one of the repair of the church in its crypt were found the remains of about 15 people. All the bones were carefully collected and placed in a coffin, established in the church.

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