Transfiguration Cathedral
   Photo: Preobrazhensky Cathedral

As you know, in the late 19th century, the greatest distribution gets an improved version of the "Russian" style, many supporters who tried to imitate the architectural features of the 17th century. This time period was perceived as the best manifestation of the artistic genius of Russia, as well as the formation of the Moscow architecture. One of the most popular and unique monuments of that time was the Church of the Transfiguration.

Construction work on the construction of the temple began in the summer of August 27, 1889 and lasted until 1893. Necessary funds were dressed wealthy industrialist MN Garelina. The consecration of the church took place on August 24, 1893. The development project of the church was engaged in a talented architect from Moscow - Alexander S. Kaminsky.

On the issue of the architectural design of the temple is worth noting that the main facades of the volume ended with innovative features, and located at the corners of the tower tent. Wedding Temple accomplished by the octagon with five domes, located on the faceted drums. Especially look magnificent moldings and trim, as well as bunk kokoshniki and some other architectural components come to life as elegant appearance of the temple. From the west, adjacent to the church belfry, which was originally posted 12 bells. The temple can be accessed through several entrances, dedicated tented porch.

The largest number of trim parts were borrowed from the features of architecture of the late 17th century. Near the main entrance to the church is a brick two-storey house a parable. The iconostasis of the church there are two, one - three-tiered set in the heart of the temple, and the other - a two-tier, made according to sketches by Alexander Stepanovich. Designed for the iconostasis icons were painted by the artist from Moscow Frenkel Ruchkin. In addition to the temple were postponed, some old and especially revered icons of home personal chapel Garelina. In the temple - a lot of wall painting, which was made by the artist I. Belousov.

When the project is still being developed Transfiguration Cathedral, it was designed for seven hundred people living in the village Ryliha. After the erection of the temple of the village was called Preobrazhensky and became part of the city of Ivanovo in 1917.

Since 1931, the cathedral was used by several Orthodox communities professing obnovlencheskoe and traditional destinations, which moved into the Transfiguration Church of the Intercession Church closed. Soon the cemetery Assumption Church crossed several communities. This use of the temple are constantly led to numerous clashes.

May 19, 1940, according to the decision executive committee, the internal decoration of the church was destroyed. Two years later, the congregation filed a petition to reopen the temple and the formation of a new community. November 17, 1944 in the Church of the Transfiguration of worship were again resumed. At this time, there was the creation of the Diocese of Ivanovo, Shuya, followed by the creation of the Diocese of Ivanovo-Kineshma. After this church became a cathedral.

Consecration of the side chapels was made in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas. Inherent interior decoration and wall paintings recreated during the Great Patriotic War. Cathedral iconostasis was made gold-plated Baroque.

Today, at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration Sunday school, which provides free classes designed for children 6-10 years. Classes are held in the spiritual and educational center, which was formed with the Orthodox church dean of social sisterhood. The main purpose of this center is to help hospital patients, the elderly and the elderly. It is worth noting that the spiritual and educational work is carried out in all the orphanages of the city of Ivanovo. In addition, the educational activities carried out in many institutes and hospitals.

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