Pattadakal Temples
   Photo: Temple Pattadakal

Small town Pattadakal, which is in the state of Karnataka on the coast of the river Malaprabha, despite its modest size, is known worldwide for its unique temple complex, which is located on its territory.

Pattadakal was once a major city - the capital of the South Indian empire Chalukya. Then it was called, according to the written sources of that time, Kisuvolal - Red City. In that period, in VII-VIII century, and were built famous temples. In total, the city created a ten religious buildings, among which are the Hindu temples Virupaksha Sangameshvara, Mallikarjuna, Kashivisvanatha, Kadasiddhesvara, Dzhambulingesvara, Galganatha and one dzhaniysky temple. Four of them are made in the Dravidian style, traditional southern India, four - in the style of a deposit that is more common in northern India, one has personified these two styles.

The largest and most famous is the Temple of Virupaksha, which was created on the orders of Queen Lokamahadevi back in 745, in honor of one of the military victories of her husband Vikramaditya II of the Pallava dynasty and powerful capture Kanchi. The building is an architectural complex multilevel structure with three entrances (north, east, south), several rooms, including the main sanctuary. The temple is decorated with lots of columns and sculptures. Its walls are covered with geometric and floral ornaments.

In 1987, Pattadakal temple complex was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.

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