Terraced field Longji
   Photo: terraced field Longji

Longji terraced fields - it is of the natural attractions, located 80 kilometers from Guilin. The total area of ​​terraced fields - more than 60 square kilometers. In form they resemble a staircase with many steps free geometry surrounding mountains from their feet (300 m) to the summit (1100 m above the sea coast).

Located terraced fields on the slopes at an angle of about 26-35 degrees on average. The greatest inclination is 50 degrees. Horizontal and vertical extent of the Chinese terraces - about 3 kilometers.

Design and irrigation land by this method allows local farmers to derive maximum advantage from even the tiniest plots suitable for cultivation. This is especially true when there is no possibility abundantly watered ground - enough for even the meager supply.

Mastering Longji terraces began more than six years ago, during the reign of the Yuan Dynasty, and the completion of its received in the period of a different dynasty - Qing. The attraction of this natural attraction also lies in the fact that, depending on the time of year, travelers can see a unique landscape.

The area of ​​the largest field does not exceed 1/15 hectare, and most terraces fit only one or two rows of crops. Due to this fact there is a saying - one field to hide raincoat.

In the area of ​​fields Longji can meet representatives of such nationalities as Yao and Zhuang. There are still alive ancient national customs, which apply to clothing, music and dance.

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