Old Believers' Church of Elijah
   Photo: Old Believers' Church of Elijah

Elijah of Old Believers Church in Gomel was built on the site of the dilapidated Old Believer Church of the Savior in 1737. Currently Elias Church is the only one in Gomel existing Old Believer church. The unique monument of wooden architecture of the XVIII century Belarusian stands on the high bank of the river Sozh. On this church there is a legend that supposedly Emelyan Pugachev prayed there, returning from Turkey.

Repeatedly attempted to close the Elias Church. For the first time in 1850, the church tried to close the Gomel authorities under the pretext that it spoils the view of the city, opening a newly built road. Old Believers' community took the unprecedented step - appealed to the king's authority (knowing the aversion to the imperial power of the Old Believers - a surprising fact), and not once, but Elias Church community returned.

The second time a large-scale campaign of youth and the poor launched Bolsheviks tried atheistic propaganda to divert the least persistent and faithful to engage in socialist construction. Unable to reach their goals, Stalin began to repression. Old Believers were exiled to the Gulag camps, but the community continued to exist in spite of all the trials. During Stalin's anti-religious persecution, he was killed by the rector of the Church of Elijah's father Ivan Mamontov.

Nowadays he lives in Gomel large and thriving community of Old Believers. Elias Church acting in good condition, with well-groomed and landscaped area.

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