Chapel-tomb of the princes Paskevich
   Photo: Chapel-tomb of the princes Paskevich

Chapel-tomb of the princes Paskevich - an example of a respectful homage to the father son of Field Marshal IF Paskevich. Worthy son of the famous father erected for his ancestors and descendants of the family chapel-tomb on the ground of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, not far from his estate.

Fyodor Paskevich Gomel for services to charity and in 1888 was declared an honorary citizen of the city of Gomel. In exchange for permission to arrange a family tomb, Fedor has helped to strengthen the river bank, where there was a temple of Peter and Paul. Slope water to wash, and its collapse threatens to bring down the cathedral.

As a philanthropist and connoisseur of the arts, Fedor attracted to draft the family chapel of the most interesting architects, sculptors and artists. The initial draft made him academician architect EI Chervinskiy. It was decided to do a chapel in the Russian style of the XVII century. Exterior and interior decoration elements developed artists working with Montferrand in St. Petersburg, AK Pel. It is amazing how many famous artists had a hand in this chapel, which is called the eighth wonder of the world.

The construction lasted 19 years. The result is a unique architectural masterpiece. Square plan tower height of 18 meters is covered by an octagonal tent crowned with golden cupolas and domes. The underground part - arched tunnel length of 32 meters is lined with crushed stone. There is great beauty mosaic depicting floating in the azure sky seraphim. Presumably, this panel was manufactured in the workshop VA Frolova, which produced decorative items for the Savior on Spilled Blood.

In the tomb are buried eight members of the genus Paskevich. The last was a young maid of honor of the imperial court and 18 years. She fell off a horse and died.

Unfortunately, during the Great Patriotic War the chapel was badly damaged. In the years 1968-75 there was an attempt of restoration, unfortunately, it has not been completed. It promises to restore the chapel in the future administration of the city of Gomel.

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