Tanguy Tower
   Photo: Tower of Tanguy

One of the attractions of Brest, a small town on the Atlantic coast - Tanguy Tower, building, there are 25 meters in height. The exact date of its construction is still unknown, according to assumptions, it was built in the XIV century - between 1341 and 1364-m year. The initiators of construction called British, who at that time occupied the city during the War of the Breton Succession - one of the military conflicts of the Hundred Years' War.

Round-shaped tower, topped by a cone-shaped roof, was part of the city fortifications, and later even served as the city jail. In 1862 the architect Baril was performed the first reconstruction of the building, and in the second half of the XX century - the second. After the first reconstruction of the roof of the tower acquired in the Chinese style, and after the second - some extra decoration.

The Tanguy Tower is located on the bay of Brest Penfeld front of the castle. Since 1954 this building has been run by the municipal authorities, and before that was privately owned by different owners.

Today, this building is a museum of the history of the city before the Second World War. The museum was opened in July 1962. The museum store documents, works of art and other artifacts - ancient map of Brest, photos and prints, the collection of weapons and coats of arms, local folklore, as well as dioramas with scenes from the history of the town, made with a high degree of realism and credibility of local artist Jim Sevellekom. These installations give an idea of ​​how to look Brest at the beginning of the XVIII century and beginning of the XX century. They presented neighborhoods and streets of the city, including the quarter Rekuvrans and City Market. One diorama reproduces a visit to Brest in 1858 by Napoleon III.

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