Festus and Agia Triada
   Photo Fest and Agia Triada

Festus is located 63 km from Heraklion and is considered one of the most famous settlements of Minoan Crete. The XX-XVII centuries BC Phaistos palace was the political and economic center of the island and only around the XV century was supplanted in this role Knossos.

Like the palace of Knossos, Phaistos Palace in residential, religious and business premises are located around the main courtyard. From the Palace of Knossos Phaistos is large theater and a grand staircase.

There was discovered the famous Phaistos disk - a round disk of baked clay with a diameter of 16 cm, dating back to XVII century BC, on both sides of which depicted the hieroglyphic signs, arranged in a spiral. The interpretation of these signs so far failed to produce.

Festa is located not far from Agia Triada - one of the residences of the kings of Crete. The ruins of the Minoan palace, large fragments of wall murals. In the local necropolis were found vases and carved sarcophagus with the image of "the meal of the dead." These items are stored in the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion.

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