Cherkess Mosque
   Photo: Circassian Mosque

One of the main attractions of the city of Cherkessk is a Mosque. The foundation of a future mosque was founded in the autumn of 2007, with the active construction of facilities began only in April 2011. The construction of the mosque is conducted on the collected money sponsors - individuals and legal entities, with the active participation of the head of Karachay-Cherkessia republic R. Temrezova.

According to the drafting of the Mosque and the adjacent galleries plan to install thirty-three domes and podkupola. Domes have been ordered and made by craftsmen from Volgodonsk. For their transportation needed lengthy twenty trucks.

Mosque has a height of 32 m. The building, with a total area of ​​4, 2 thousand sq. M. meters, can accommodate at the same time about 5 thousand. parishioners. Erected in the Byzantine style mosque will be decorated by four minarets, each of which will have a height of 52 m. 220 boxes, arranged on three levels, making the mosque is very spacious and bright.

Indoors finishing works were carried out, and carried out wiring. In the main hall there is a 12-meter mihrab. The interior walls of the mosque are decorated with ornaments "Arabic script". It is still going on for landscaping adjacent to the mosque. Before her entrance builders plan to install a fountain. The opening of the mosque is planned for late 2013

Cherkess Mosque - is one of the most beautiful religious buildings in the North Caucasus. Next to the mosque is located novovozvedennoy old Circassian Central Mosque.

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