Boulevard Carnot
   Photo: Boulevard Carnot

Boulevard Carnot in Cannes - brilliant street longer than two and a half kilometers away, full of shops, houses with exquisite architecture. In the southern cities of this can be seen infrequently.

Magnificent street came up with one man: banker Henri Germain, founder of the largest French bank "Credit Lyonnais". Banker loved Cote d'Azur. In 1863, Cannes came the railroad and Germain began to buy land for a pittance north of the train station, hoping for a successful real-estate speculation. Architect Duran has drafted an unprecedented prospect for a small town - twenty-six meters wide, with beautiful houses in the style of "Belle Epoque." Fonser Lonez Boulevard, was inaugurated in 1883, a year later it was renamed in memory of the country's president Sadi Carnot, who died at the hands of terrorists.

It starts from the Boulevard Place de Gard, where the train station. The area did not give the impression of the station: Steel reasonable path are hidden under the ground - no noise, no dirt.

Broad Street with a stylish architecture, partly reminiscent of Paris. These are two symmetrical buildings at numbers 11 and 12 in the area of ​​Vauban - a graceful semi-circular balconies and caryatids. Public buildings were built in a neoclassical style. Despite numerous reforms and restructuring, they have kept their appointment until today: Savings Bank (house number 17), the Palace of Justice (house number 19), the Lyceum Carnot (house number 96 almost on the border of the city). Covered terrace Lyceum, founded in 1913, similar to the monastery arcade. This is one of the best educational institutions in France, the pride of the town.

Throughout the streets planted trees, which give a deep shadow. At the end of the XIX century the middle of the avenue running tram, but now the boulevard cast cars and pedestrians. The lower floors of the local buildings - a continuous chain of shops, restaurants and cafes.

Ends Highway (within Cannes) Square, bearing the same name - Carnot. In it you can see the equestrian monument pink stone memorializing Andre Capron (in the years 1902-1929 was twice elected mayor of Cannes). Seated on a horse policies remains a respected historical figure, although his name was at one time linked to financial scandals.

After the park boulevard flows into the neighboring town of Le Cannet, keeping it its name. Architecture and toponymy boulevard Carnot almost entirely relate to the late XIX - early XX century, the famous "Belle Epoque" of France, has not yet known the devastating world wars. But it overshadows his memory and a great era. It is here that took place the famous "Route Napoléon" - on her return to France, the emperor moved to Paris to thunder in the splendor and the famous "hundred days" to permanently leave the stage of history.

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