Area "Heavenly Peace" (Tiananmen)
   Photos: Area "Heavenly Peace" (Tiananmen)

Area "Heavenly Peace" (Tiananmen) is located right in the heart of Beijing and covers an area of ​​44 hectares. With the goal area once the emperor was read decrees, and in 50-ies. Mao Zedong proclaimed the Declaration from here, izveschavschuyu the formation of the PRC.

Tiananmen Square - it is literally the heart of Beijing, a place to promenade of tourists and locals with kids, here fly kites, photographed against the backdrop of the national symbols of the country surrounding the square from all sides.

The area can accommodate up to 1 million. People, it is - the biggest in the world. Its true the huge size of the area acquired after 1949.

Tiananmen Square was built in the early 15th century., At that stage it was noticeably smaller. Most likely, the emperor Zhu Di, who decided to found the area was fascinated gigantomania in much lesser extent in comparison with the minions of Mao Zedong, has expanded in the late 50s of the last century is still an area up to 44 hectares.

In the center of the square is a massive monument to national heroes. His bas-reliefs represent the most important stages of the revolutionary struggle of the people of the country. On the south side of the square is the memory of Mao Zedong House, which opened in August 1977, the central part reserved for the Memorial Hall, which houses the remains of the notorious leader. Inside the building also houses a number of memorial rooms dedicated to the life of Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlanya, Zhu De and other famous revolutionaries.

On the west side of the square there is a House of Assembly representatives of the people, and from the east - the country's Historical Museum and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution.

In the hour of sunrise and sunset every day in Tiananmen Square held a solemn ceremony of hoisting and lowering of the national flag of the country. Pomp of the ceremony attracted a lot of attention and tourists, and patriotic-minded locals. Many are trying to advance to take place, located close to the shrine of the state.

The special atmosphere of the square creates a launcher kites. Tiananmen Square - the perfect place to watch the fun of the traditional Chinese. On holidays the area is decorated with lanterns and flowers.

Tiananmen Square - one of the major attractions of Beijing.

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