Church of San Benito el Real
   Photo: Church of San Benito el Real

One of the oldest churches, located in Valladolid, is the Church of the Monastery of San Benito el Real. The church was built between the years 1499 and 1515 on the site of standing here before the royal palace-fortress. The church was built in the Gothic style by architects Juan Garcia de Arlanda and Olave. The main facade of the church was completed a little later, in 1569, under the guidance of the architect Rodrigo Gil Ontanona.

The church has three naves, ending three polygonal apses. The interior of the church are covered by high arches, so that inside the church seems spacious and bright. This feeling is enhanced at the expense of good lighting - wall of the temple is decorated with a large number of narrow arched windows.

The central nave is the main altar of the church - a work of art. The altar is dedicated to the main patron of the Order of Benedictine monks - St. Benedict of Nursia. Equally valuable are located in the central nave of the great carved chair. They are made in the style Plateresque in 1528 a famous sculptor and wood carvers Andres de Nájera. The backs of chairs decorated with elaborate carvings made depicting saints, and family trees of local nobles. Inside the church there are other altars and sculptures, tombs, ancient authorities.

The church of San Benito el Real is located close to the building of the monastery, a magnificent facade of which was made by the architect Juan Ribero Rada in the style of Mannerism.

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