This majestic gray-blue mountain with snow-capped peaks towering over the semi-desert of Northern Tanzania .  Kilimanjaro is a dormant, but not extinct volcano .  Various routes pass first through a lush tropical forest before to bring to the open plains covered with heather, which grows as lobelia and, like cactuses, groundsel .  Above these plains can be seen almost lunar landscape of the desert mountain, which runs between the two peaks - Klibo, like a shallow dome, and Mawenzi, is a group of jagged peaks with a peak on the east side .  On this, as it might seem because of the lunar landscape, inhospitable territory live herds of animals, such as antelope .  Ancient volcanoes, Shira, lies to the west of the main mountain .  Once it was much higher, and are believed to be collapsed after a very powerful eruption, leaving only a plateau 810m 3 .  The second age of the volcano - Mawenzi - currently visible in the form of a peak adjacent to the east side of the mountain to the base .  Although close to the summit of Kilimanjaro, he seems small, it reaches a height of 5 334m .  Junior and the largest of the three volcanoes Kibo, formed during a series of eruptions and caldera crowned with 2 km in diameter .  The second crater with a volcanic cone grew inside the caldera during a subsequent eruption, and later, during the third eruption inside the crater formed Ash Cone .  Colossal Kibo caldera forms a characteristic flat top of this beautiful African mountain .  The highest point of Kibo, Kilimanjaro as a whole, is Uhuru Peak, with its beautiful hanging glaciers and stunning views of the African plains, lying six hundred feet below .  There are at peak Klibo Gillman Point, which is slightly lower .  They are targets for backpackers .  The peaks of Mawenzi are only available climbers .   I can complement the description