Museum Myrnogo
   Photo: Museum of Panas Mirny

Poltava museum of Panas Mirny, a famous classic of Ukrainian literature, is located on the outskirts of the city of Poltava. It was here that in 1903 Ukrainian writer was acquired by a small wooden one-story house, in which P. Mirny lived the last seventeen years of his life (from 1903 to 1920). On a visit he visited L. Ukrainka and O. Pchilka, Kotsyubinsky, V. Stefanik, Lysenko and Zankovetskoy.

Troublesome work on the creation of the museum's collection were started before the war. One of the first donors of museum pieces was Alexandra M. Rudchenko - the writer's widow. Its existence, the museum began in July 1940. In 1960 the museum took the whole house P. Peace. In 1989 the new building was opened literary exposition. For 20 years, Poltava museum led by the son of the writer - M. Rudchenko.

By number of memorial items homestead-museum of the writer is one of the richest in Ukraine. It contains about 1 thousand personal items, documents, photographs and books that are available in the seven rooms of the house. The museum displays more than 150 manuscripts P. Peace, as well as his older brother Ivan Bilyk (I. Rudchenko), with which the novel was written, "Do oxen roar when nurseries are full? ". More than 280 pages of epistolary legacy of the Ukrainian classics and his family, an archive of the magazine "Native Land", first printed texts of P. Peace and memories of him contemporaries.

It grows about 1,000 bushes and trees around a small pond and its branches have spread weeping willows. At the end of the alley of oaks grow trёhsotletnie. In 1951, in the courtyard of the estate a monument P. Peace, and in 1976 the estate declared nature reserve of local importance. The tomb is located in the tract writer Guy Green, near the Museum-Estate.

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