Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
   Photo: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in the city of Novosibirsk - is acting Orthodox church, located at the beginning of the street and the Soviet Red avenue. This is one of the first stone buildings in the city.

In 1895, local residents have turned to Tomsk bishop Makary (Nevsky) with a petition on the construction of the temple in honor of Alexander Nevsky. What a blessing was received. Construction of the cathedral began in 1897 and ended in 1899, however, still do not know who all the same was the author of the project of the temple. Some believe that the project was drawn up by the architect-artist K. Lygina, others - that Soloviev and others sponsored project called Architects Kosyakova and Prussians. Moreover, all are unanimous that the basis for the building of the cathedral was taken the project of the St. Petersburg church.

Consecration of the church took place immediately after the completion in December 1899. In 1904 the two sides were consecrated chapel - in the name of George in honor of St. Nicholas. In 1915 the church was given cathedral status.

In 1937 the cathedral was closed. Attempts to blow up the temple, but only destroyed the walls. After closing located here Design Institute "Promstroiproekt" and then West Siberian newsreel studio. During this time in the temple were arranged additional overlap, and as a result completely destroyed painting.

In August 1989 the Novosibirsk City Council returned the temple to believers. In May 1991, the cathedral was consecrated Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. After the transfer of the temple, began restoration work: rebuilt bell tower, covered with a dome, restored interior layout, updated fragments of the outer walls, plastered internal walls, partly restored iconostasis and re-bought church utensils.

Near Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is a small brick baptismal church, consecrated in honor of St. John the Baptist.

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