Transfiguration Cathedral
   Photo: the Transfiguration Cathedral

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Mogilev will be the most monumental church in the city. Its construction has been going on for over 10 years.

The ceremony of laying the first stone of the church with a memorial capsule and the consecration of the place where the future is built Cathedral of Mogilev took place June 10, 2000. The ceremony was conducted by Archbishop of Mogilev and Mstislav Maxim. The temple is built on modern Pushkin Avenue, where the proportions of the cathedral should organically fit into the residential development and overshadow many-storey apartment house.

Transfiguration Cathedral is 60 meters high and is the tallest church in the Republic of Belarus. It is able to accommodate more than 3, 5 thousand believers.

Temple built on the donations of citizens. Mogilev organized voluntary work in the workplace, the salary on which the voluntary transfer of employees of enterprises for the construction of the cathedral. Also, donations have been listed by many companies of the city and private donors. The Russian Orthodox Church has not remained aloof from the construction of this colossal temple in the neighboring Orthodox country and had contributed to its construction and decoration.

In 2008, the temple was built on the already installed gilded onion dome. Since 2010, it started interior decoration and interior of the cathedral.

Inauguration of the main temple of Mogilev promises to hold in 2013, when completed all fine finishing the interior decoration of the temple.

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