   Photo: Cannobio

Cannobio - a resort town on Lake Maggiore, which dates back to the times of ancient Rome - evidenced here discovered sarcophagi 2-3 centuries BC, now stored in the local Palazzo della Ragione.

The first documented mention of Cannobio refers to the 909-th year. In the Middle Ages the city was a center for the production of wool and leather tanning. In 1207, the year Cannobio received the status of administrative autonomy, and at the end of the 13th century were built above Palazzo della Ragione.

In 1522, the year the city suddenly zakrovotochila icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and shortly afterwards broke the terrible plague that devastated coastal towns and villages. Only some miracle Cannobio and its inhabitants were left intact. Religious leaders saw this as God's providence, and Cardinal Charles Borromeo ordered to build a chapel in the town, which to this day kept the very icon of the Virgin Mary. This event is dedicated to the church and other Cannobio - Santuario della Pietà.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, the economy experienced a flowering of Cannobio. Residential building "overstepped" across the borders of the medieval city center and reached the shore of the lake. It was then built some large possessions, including the Palazzo and Palazzo Omachini Pironi.

In 1863, the highway was opened related Cannobio with Switzerland, which triggered a new round of economic development - in the city there were numerous factories and plants. And during the Second World War Cannobio residents revolted against the fascist regime and announced the creation of the Republic of Ossola, which, however, lasted only six days - from 2 to 9 September 1944.

Today Cannobio - is a popular tourist resort with numerous attractions. One of them is the Church of San Vittore, built in the 11th century and significantly rebuilt in 1733-1749-m respectively. Its bell tower dates from the 13th century. A huge area, located on the city's waterfront, and bears the name of King Victor Emmanuel III, in 2003-2004-th years was restored. Her re-paved with cobblestones and granite slabs and built a wide steps leading to the lake. There have also been upgraded, some historic buildings of the old part of the city.

In the northern part of Cannobio is a wide sandy beach, awarded the European Blue Flag for its cleanliness and infrastructure.

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