Reserve "Foce del Soca"
   Photo: The Reserve "Foce del Soca"

Reserve "Foce del Soca" is located in the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and includes part of the lagoon of Grado. Soca river itself rises in the Julian Alps in Slovenia and approximately 140 km flows into the Adriatic Sea, 10 kilometers north-east of the island of Grado. The protected area stretches from the mouth of the Isonzo to the Po Delta in the vicinity of Venice - the total area of ​​the reserve is 2400 ha. The "heart" of the reserve is the island of Isola della Cona.

Flora and fauna of the reserve are of great natural value and feature an incredible diversity that, in turn, is caused by a variety of local ecosystems - here are found alluvial forests, sand dunes, marshes, sand and gravel islands, rivers, pastures and meadows, freshwater ponds, reed thickets, marine areas and, finally, farmland .  Vegetation "Foce del Soca" is represented by poplars, alders, white willows, oaks, hornbeam and ash .  The animal world is more diverse and circuses - in the reserve live mammals, reptiles and insects .  Individual attention, the birds, of which there are more than 300 species! That is why the 'Foce del Soca "long chosen berdvotcherami who come here from around the world to observe the nesting and migratory feathered .  As for the mammals, it is worth to mention the Camargue horse that was brought to the reserve for the preservation of the natural balance of ecosystems .  This breed of horses is one of the oldest in Europe . 

In addition to the immediate protection of nature in the "Foce del Soca" is actively developing tourism. To explore the nature reserve can be accessed in the visitor center and book hiking, horse riding or water tour of this unique oasis. Especially popular, as mentioned above, the rounds in which you can watch the birds. In addition, the reserve has an eco-park, the Museum of ducks, an observation post, and is equipped with several hiking trails, constructed guest house, where you can spend the night, and a small restaurant.

The visitor center "Foce del Soca" is located in a renovated farmhouse. Here you can learn about the history of the reserve, its flora and fauna, to see the diorama and other videos, to witness the reconstruction of the different ecosystems mouth of the Isonzo. Special stereo system, you can hear birds singing and the sounds emitted by different animals, and laboratory equipped with microscopes, it gives the opportunity to discover the world of macro.

Private Reserve Museum dedicated renewable energy - it is possible to see a small working model with explanatory signs and find themed educational materials that explain concepts such as "energy sustainability" or talk about the transition from the oil era to a "hydrogen age".

No less interesting and a small museum of ducks, which are exposed stuffed these waterfowl. Here you can learn about the centuries-old relationship between man and ducks - all phases of these relations carefully reconstructed since ancient times to the present day. The museum is housed in two-storey building, which is exactly reproduces vintage "Casoni" - typical of a fishing hut lagoon. In nearby observation post has a powerful telescope that allows you to watch the rich aviafaunoy reserve.

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