Water Tower Belvedere
   Photo: Water Tower Belvedere

Water Tower Belvedere is included in the list of attractions of the city of Aachen as a monument symbolizing the typical construction technology inherent period of the 50s of the 20th century, since 1990. Belvedere Tower is 35 meters high and 21 meters in diameter, to reach the top of the tower can be like using the elevator or on foot, climbing the 173 stairs.

This monument has an interesting history, since its purpose had time to change several times in a relatively short period of existence of the tower. It was originally built in 1956 by architect William Fisher Lousberg hill to ensure that residential areas west of the Aachen water. But since 1970, the tower has become very popular due to the rotating restaurant on the fourth floor of the tower, who had the same access to the external platform. The lower floors of the tower began to fail offices. In 1988, the function of the city water supply was completely stopped.

In 1990, the restaurant on the rotating platform of the tower was closed and 15 years later, after the renovation and sanitation work in the tower, in 2005, opened the cafe "Drehcafé" (literally - "rotating cafe"). But it was closed in 2011. In October 2011, the tower was bought by German entrepreneurs Manred Dick and Carlo Blatts that have had their multimedia agency office in the building of the tower. In 2012, they re-opened in the tower of the Belvedere restaurant with beer garden and an outdoor terrace.

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