International Museum of newspapers
   Photo: International Museum of newspapers

At 100 meters from the house Lёveshtaynov is one of the most interesting tourist sites in Aachen, not only, but also the world - International Museum of newspapers. Meeting its exhibits include about 200 thousand exhibits in almost all languages ​​of the world. But its uniqueness lies not only in the presence of a large number of exhibits, but also the diversity of views on the role of the press in the life of mankind. So, one of the members of the museum and its director Mike Tulen notes that this museum in Washington from such distinguished critical attitude to the media and its unique multimedia and interactivity. For example, there is a hall, which collects pictures, falsify those events.

The museum has several rooms: one of them covered the history of publishing, in another the visitor can feel in the role of a man who attacked paparazzi, in the third - to feel like a star, which directed the flash built into the wall of the chamber. Especially interesting is the Hall of chaos, made in the shape of an egg. On the visitor is sent a powerful stream of video, not only does not clarify any facts and confusing him.

The museum was opened in 1931 and the foundation of his collection was a collection of papers Oskar von Forkenbeka (the famous German collector of the 19th century), who devoted his life to collecting this collection. After his death, the widow bequeathed about 80 000 copies.

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